T  H  E     F  I  S  H  I  N  G     C  A  T     P  R  E  S  S

an international journal to share the spirit of haiku

une revue internationale pour partager l’esprit du haiku
(page française)



The objective of seashores is to share haiku from all over the world and explore how the way and the spirit of haiku, with its power to connect us to nature and our world can play a role in poetry and our lives in general.

Issue 1
October 2018

Issue 2
April 2019

Issue 3
November 2019

Issue 4
April 2020

Issue 5
November 2020

Issue 6
April 2021

Issue 7
November 2021

Issue 8
April 2021

Issue 9
November 2022

Issue 10
April 2023

Issue 11
November 2023

Issue 12
April 2024

November 2024

How to submit:

You are all welcome to submit a maximum of eight (8) haiku/senryu, in any combination. Essays or articles on haiku are also welcome (app. 800 words max). All copyrights to remain with the author. Send all submissions (and any request of information) to haikuspirit@haikuspirit.org and/or seashoreshaiku@gmail.com. Please enter Submissions for Seashores in the email subject. Family name, first name as well as country must be included in the email body text with the entries (please no attachment!).


Annual deadlines are 31 January for the April issue and 31 July for the November issue.


We regret to advise you that no free copies of this printed journal will be offered. Only contributors whose essay/article is selected to be published will receive a free copy.


Submissions Criteria and Guidelines:
All submissions must be unpublished and not being considered elsewhere. All submissions must be in English. If originally in another language, translation must be provided with the original entry (if the author is not the translator, please indicate the details of the translator and his/her consent to publication).


Haiku (and senryu) need to reflect the rules and guidelines that are generally accepted in the global haiku community. Basically, haiku in three distinct lines with good rhythm are favoured and may include a season word (kigo) or a key word, a cut (kireji, by way of style, space or the use of punctuation or other) but poems of 1, 2 or 4 lines with haiku essence and spirit will also be considered. Ultimately, submissions will be judged on quality and originality.


Editorial team:

Gilles Fabre and two guest editors per issue


How to order:

To order seashores, payment may be made with PayPal. You can also pay with an electronic international bank transfer.


If you’d like to order, please email us with the following information: (a) First name and family name; (b) Full postal address (not required if you have already provided it); and (c) Number of copies required (and issue or issues) and advise if you want to pay with PayPal and your email/PayPal account (if different) or by electronic tranfer. Please wait to receive our invoice: do not sent PayPal payment to seashores.


Price (excluding postage): 1 copy: €15 | €10 per extra copy

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